You are invited to submit your abstract to the International Conference on Recent Advances in Science Engineering and Technology (ICRASET- 2025) which will be held in Bangkok , Thailand under the following tracks, but not limited
Track 1 :
and Engineering
- Robotics
- Image Processing
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Medical Equipment
- Virtual Reality
- Augmented Reality
- Networking
- Mobile Apps
- Cognitive Radio
- Deep Learning
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer-aided Drawing & Design (CADD)
- Automation
- Nano Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- 3G/4G/5G Network Evolution
- Wireless/ Mobile Communication
- Mobile Adhoc Networks
- Satellite Communication Systems
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
Track 2 :
and Life science :
- Agriculture
- Aquaculture
- Archaeology
- Astronomy
- Biodiversity
- Biology
- Biomaterials
- Chemistry
- Earth Observation
- Earth Sciences
- Ecology
- Ecosystems
- Environment
- Genetics
- Geophysics and Geology
Track 3 :
Interdisciplinary :
- Children and Youth
- Communications and Media
- Complex Systems
- Conflict Resolution
- Creativity
- Culture
- Disaster Management
- Discourse
- Film Studies
- Gender Studies
- GLBT Studies
Track 4 :
and learning :
- Distance Education
- E-learning
- Teaching and Learning
- Education and Human Development
- Educational and Pedagogical Sciences
- Educational Systems Planning
- Engineering Education and Research
- Foreign Language
- Higher Education
- Learning
- Linguistics
Track 5 :
Management :
- Marketing Management
- Production Management
- Finance & Banking
- Organizational Behaviour
- Human Resource Management
- Hospitality Management
- Globalization and International Trade
- Retail Marketing
- Supply Chain Management
- Organizational Change and Development
- Business Risk Assessment & Management
- Consumer Behaviour
- Digital Marketing
- Employee Performance Evaluation
Track 6 :
Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity :
- The role of indigenous knowledge in biodiversity conservation
- Strategies for promoting urban biodiversity
- Ecosystem restoration and its benefits for biodiversity
- Biodiversity conservation
- Implications of climate change on biodiversity loss
- Sustainable practices for marine and coastal conservation
- Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation policies and programs
Track 7 :
Agriculture and research :
- Smart Irrigation Systems
- AI for Pest Control and Disease Prediction
- Robotics and Automation in Agriculture
- Agro-informatics and Big Data in Agriculture
- AI in Soil Health and Fertility Management
- Supply Chain Optimization
- AI-powered Climate Resilience in Agriculture
- AI for Crop Breeding and Genetic Improvement
- Farm Management Systems